I did not want to get out of bed this morning. It was the first time that I was actually sleeping when my alarm went off and was dragging my butt into the meeting area.
It's hard getting ready - I lay out everything I need the night before so i don't have to think so much - but the band aids, body glide for the feet, getting the socks on with no wrinkles in them, duct tape , etc - kind of tedious when you are tierd! I am sleeping well once I finally fall asleep.
I am on the bottom floor and the people upstairs are staying up later - slamming drawers, showering etc so I might ask to switch to a room upstairs.
Our hike this morning was "Hidden Pinion" - it was awesome. Not too challenging but long ( 2.25 hrs) and the views were awesome. I was in awe the whole hike - took a ton of pictures and had a good challenge climbing up to the top of "Piano Rock".
I am starting to make a few friends which is nice - nice to see some smiling faces from time to time!
The education lectures are really good! I am learning a lot! I have stepped out of the instructor / teacher role and am being a student and trying to learn as much as I can so that I can so that I can bring it home and be a teacher and leader there.
Food today was OK. I liked it all accept lunch. I hate olives, feta cheese and red onions and it was Greek pita and strawberry spinach salad with onions - but I ate it. I said that I would eat everything that they put in front of me and so far I have.
Today's Schedule
Nutrition Lecture
liquid Moves
cooking Demo
ball Works ( wow - all the things that you can do on a ball!)
Treading ( this is a tough class) you pick a cardio machine, go as hard as you can go for 5 minutes, get 5 minutes to recover, work as hard as you can for 4 and 4 to recover and 3/3 2/2 1/1 then a surprise 1.5 min sprint again. It is meant to get you an anaerobic workout. You pick what you think is your number and you get "encouraged" to bump it up and realize that YOU CAN DO IT! Then on the next one you gets pushed to go further! Awesome calorie burn.
Total Body Water - was fun and an awesome workout
Pow wow for guest staying next weeks to set some goals for the week
I can't imagine doing this for the next 3 weeks - day after day - but
When I got changed for dinner tonight, my shorts seemed a bit looser so I tried on my goal pants - that I could not zip up before i left -( I took a before picture )- I'll post it at the end beside the picture of me wearing them ;) and I got them zipped up - would not want to wear them out the Ritz or anything - but they did up and they are not stretchy! Yeah! It's working. My body adapts pretty quickly but it also goes the other way pretty quick too!
OK - DAILY CHALLENGE ( I hope that some of you are trying some of these so I'm not just wasting my time thinking up things!)
Stop Emotional Eating ( the reason why we do it is that we don't feel in control)
So next time an emotional event occurs try the following : you are standing in front of the fridge or cupboards - looking in try this to stop it from getting ugly (you know what I mean!)
1. 50 % of the time this will work. Ask yourself - What emotion am I avoiding? (sad, mad, lonely, happy, bored, anxious) then you can gain control and act appropriately.
2. 20 % of the time time this will work if #1 didn't - Know Your Goal! Ask yourself "Is this going to help get me to where I want to be?"
3. Limit Your Exposure ( don't keep your triggers in the house) or have healthier options IE. binging on 40 calorie fudgesicles will be a calorie gain of 400 if you go nuts and eat 10 - instead of 10 cookies at 450 calories! (100 calorie packs - 6 is only 600 better than 6000!)
4. Account for what you have done - Whatever you have done with food - you can fix with exercise and zero it out!
5. Forgive yourself and move on. We are human and will make mistakes and need to learn how to forgive and forget. Each meal and choice is a fresh start - don't wait until Monday, tomorrow or Jan 1st.
*** Daily Challenge is to think about why you are eating? Are you hungry - does you body need fuel ( that's what food is for you know) or are you trying to cover up an emotion? Find something else to do to deal with your emotions, call a Friend, journal, do a craft, exercise, drink a glass of water, meditate , do some chores to make your day easier later.
Total Calories burned with exercise today was : 3117
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