Whoo Hoo Friday is a great day at the Biggest Loser Resort. Last full day of the week. Tomorrow is a hike and then 1 more class and that is it. Lunch and then the afternoon off, dinner and graduation for departing guest and then some fun - Laser Tag and Mini Golf.
Today it was much easier getting out of bed knowing that after the hike I would be glad that I did. I like lights out here, regardless what I am doing at 10 O'clock - it's bedtimes - I will try to continue that at home so that I can get up and get a workout in to start my day off on the right track!
I did not enjoy the hike today - it was easy and boring, it was a decent calorie burn though 1000 in 2hours and 20 min. After breakfast, we had stretch class which was great - it feels so good to get those muscles stretched out - I am starting to try harder - stretching shouldn't be hard but if you do it properly, it is not fun! But there is a reason why you are doing it so you might as well get the full benefit from it!
After stretch I had the option of a pool class - they are good ... but I knew that I should go to cardio intervals. You get on a piece of equipment and increase speed / intensity every 30 seconds 8 times and then go down the hill as fast as you can, a few mini hills, a few races to get ahead of "other color teams" it was a great calorie burn and an awesome sense of accomplishment to not have taken the easy way out when there was a choice ( the old me - and the me from Monday - did chose the easy one)
After lunch we had a lecture and got our schedule for the next week, we stay in the same teams but our colors change ( there are 3 color of teams with @ 20 people in each)
Liquid moves in the pool was awesome - we played some games with 2 teams and it was an awesome workout. This is why I picked the daily challenge today - I'll get to that later...
Circuit Training was hard - I pushed myself on the treadmill and ended up running 9.0mph on the treadmill - is that even possible?? Yes it is - I DID IT! My goal is to get running at 10.0 by the end of the month - not for long but just to show myself that I can do it. (Do I have insurance that covers me when I whiz off the end of the treadmill) Maybe I can talk the 3 Biggest Loser 10 contestants coming on Sunday to stand behind and catch me!
Ole Ole Ole Ole - Zumba was great - everyone was feeling hot, hot, hot! It was fun, I totally sucked at it, but it was fun! Great calorie burn
After Dinner , Heba did a little session on her time on The Biggest Loser. It was interesting hearing about some of the things and how they really are, as you know... don't always believe what you see on TV! She signed Photo's and Took Photos after and on my picture she wrote "Donna you are a strong and amazing & inspiring woman - Keep Going" Wow - that one is getting stuck above my treadmill!
I am feeling good mentally. A bit weepy - I cry probably about 5 x a day - about what? who knows? When you achieve something that you didn't think that you can - it gets to you and changes your mind - which is the key to this all - It's not what you lose here, but what you gain in the knowledge and strength to continue a healthy lifestyle at home. Physically, I am feeling OK, my hamstrings are really tight and that is about it - my back has not been bothering me (which I was a bit concerned about) you do enough of a variety of things that you get a good balance - even though it is a lot!
I will be back on Monday night with the start of Week #2 (where did week #1 go?)
Daily Challenge: Take something out of your day and make a workout out of it.
ie. Play ball with your dog, play with your kids (take them to the park and be creative - there are lots of things to do at the park), go up and down the stairs a few extra times, stand up and sit down off you chair a few more time, do some push ups on the kitchen counter, do some calf raises while standing in line at the grocery store. ..... it all adds up!
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